Free Decentralised RPCs

Free Decentralised RPCs

That Just Work

Powered by the SubQuery Network, a faster and more scalable RPC service that will enable the next generation of dApps.
Free Decentralised Polygon RPC
archive NodeEVMLayer-2
Free Decentralised Polkadot RPC
archive NodePolkadot
Free Decentralised Autonity RPC
archive NodeEVMTestnet
Free Decentralised Ethereum Sepolia RPC
Ethereum Sepolia
archive NodeEVMTestnet
Free Decentralised BNB Smart Chain RPC
BNB Smart Chain
archive NodeEVMLayer-2
Free Decentralised Darwinia RPC
archive NodePolkadotEVM
Free Decentralised Arbitrum One RPC
Arbitrum One
archive NodeEVMLayer-2
Free Decentralised Ethereum RPC
archive NodeEVM
Free Decentralised Optimism RPC
archive NodeEVMLayer-2
Free Decentralised Gnosis RPC
archive NodeEVM
Free Decentralised Base RPC
archive NodeEVMLayer-2
Free Decentralised Solana RPC
archive NodeSolana
Free Decentralised Kusama RPC
archive NodePolkadot

What are RPCs

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) endpoints provide fundamental access to blockchain networks for apps and users. They are widely used across most blockchain networks, including Ethereum and Polkadot. Under the hood of your favourite web3 apps, dozens of requests are sent to RPC providers to query and submit transactions to the network.
Essentially, RPCs allow applications to communicate with the blockchain. These nodes handle important tasks like sending and receiving transactions, making queries, and keeping everything in balance. They're like the middleman, helping developers create decentralised apps (DApps) without needing to handle the entire node themselves.
Read more about RPCs

Why Decentralised RPCs

The RPC landscape is dominated by massive hyperscale RPC providers who centralise the network and can cause major outages that affect thousands of dApps when they go offline. They also extract huge economic value from a network and send that directly to big private cloud companies and VCs.
We are providing a viable decentralised alternative to this dangerous centralised state. Behind these RPC endpoints is a network of independent RPC providers operating around the world in a decentralised, trustless, and unstoppable way. Anyone can join them in our open network, and they are being orchestrated and rewarded in real time by the SubQuery Network.
SubQuery Network provides free, faster, and scalable RPCs for major EVM chains and Substrate endpoints like Ethereum, Base, Arbitrum, BNB, and Polkadot. Enjoy fully decentralised RPC services to empower your dApp development.