#Import 2023-03-02 02:33
Expanding Our Reach
Welcome to the latest monthly update from SubQuery. Following on from last month, August has seen rapid expansion in the growth of our Community around the world! We have also been busy working on decentralising our platform as we prepare for a TGE in the coming months.
In this monthly update:
After launching our Ambassador program last month, we have been amazed by the excitement in the community and quality of the participants. To date, we have received just under 2,000 applications almost every continent (we're calling out for applications from Antarctica ☃️) and onboarded over 30 people thus far.
Tre has been doing an excellent job leading this initiative and engaging with the community on Discord. As we are already seeing the benefits of having a closer relationship with the supporters of SubQuery, we will be expanding the team in the next few weeks so please be patient if you haven't heard from us yet!
The growth in our community has been accelerating this month with our Discord blasting nearing 2,000 vibrant and supportive members. We have also grown our Twitter audience to over 6,000 followers.
We are particularly pleased about this growth as our project has focused on building a smaller but high quality developer community firstly. As we approach our TGE, these numbers should explode as we shift focus to the retail and investor audience.
To help us accelerate this growth, and ensure that our community is engaged and active in the ecosystem, Rob has joined our team as our new Head of Marketing. Additionally, we also welcome Tre as our strategic business development manager in the US and Europe.
Yes! The work on moving SubQuery towards a decentralised and tokenised network; the SubQuery Network, has begun! This migration will ensure that there is no single point of failure for SubQuery and to encourage participants via the SQT token. In order to help us with this significant change, we have recruited new developers to join us this month.
In August we launched several new projects on SubQuery including those with Subscan, Karura, Subscan, Polkaswap, and Soramitsu.
For Karura, SubQuery is being used to extract and query data from Karura's chain, making queries fast and efficient for Karura's app.
SubQuery's service is playing a key role in Subscan by providing fast data on transactions for any given multi signature address, thereby improving the UX and allowing for more advanced features.
SORA has built a SubQuery Project that retrieves data from the SORA network to power mobile applications built on SORA and You can read more here
In both cases, we are thankful to have such great feedback like this from our partners:
"Using Subquery makes building dapps easy, no more making a complicated series of calls to get the data I need." - Brett (Developer at Acala)
"SubQuery has been the ideal solution for our needs because the application is easy to deploy and manage, it is easy to learn and develop as well as being well documented, and it also has its own infrastructure with Github integration" - SORA Development Team
You can view all projects easily via our Explorer here.
We were delighted to be hosted by DotMarketCap on August 5th for an AMA with Sam and James. The questions from the audience ranged from areas such as DeFi and NFTs through to a lot of questions about our plans for growth and our future. We shared insights on why we began our project in Polkadot and if our token will be launched as an ERC-20 or not.
You can read the interview here.
Siqi, who leads our business development in China, has had a busy month with a number of online panel discussions alongside Moonbeam, Acala, Astar and Phala. In addition she has participated in AMA's organised by Polkadot on August 11th and an AMA hosted by ODaily and Acala on August 13th.
We are looking forward to growing our Chinese community significantly in the coming months through activities such as hackathons. As such, we will be running a workshop with Encode Club and running a hackathon with OneBlock+ to help introduce SubQuery to new audiences.
We are pleased to make progress in the development of an open-source dApp API for Kusama in conjunction with the team at Fearless Wallet. This work is being supported by a Kusama Treasury grant.
Nearing completion of the second milestone in this project means that there will soon be a defined and common core data API interface for Polkadot, Kusama, and other parachains which will attract more developers to the ecosystem. Making development intuitive and as painless as possible is one of our key objectives!
As always, please join our social channels to stay updated on our latest news and announcements.
James, Sam, and the SubQuery Team
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